Friday, October 23, 2009

Birthday Cake Number 2

We celebrated Alex's 4th birthday and Charlotte's 1st birthday with our friends at playgroup. I'm holding up my cell phone because Bill is on the other end of the line singing happy birthday too. He won't be home in time for Alex's birthday, but we've got our fingers crossed that he'll be home for the halloween party next Saturday.

I've got a funny little story to tell. Today Alex was giving me an anatomy lesson. Apparently our brains reside just below our heart, in our chest. That's where the the food and water go that we drink and our brain turns it into poo and wee. Alex also told me that if we get water from the shower in our brains then the doctor has to get it out with a big net. Alex wants to be a doctor when he grows up. Ella wants to be a train driver.

1 comment:

rorenfamily said...

A doctor and train driver good jobs for your guys rertirement plans