Sunday, October 4, 2009

Jump In My Car

Without Alex and Ella, Charlotte and I did lots and lots and LOTS of chores. First we spent an hour or so in the garden - at 7am! Best time of the day for it, though. Eating all that leaf litter and dirt must have been too much for Charlotte because she went down for her morning nap far too early for my carefully planned day. So I cleaned and she slept. Then we went shopping for groceries, came home to see our old timber furniture get taken away - finally - and then Alex and Ella came home to tear up the house. We watched the football grand final while playing doctors which turned into tackling Mummy on the living room floor. After that the rest of the night gets kinda hazy....

Oh, yeh, the picture. Without Bill here I have to start his truck to make sure the battery dosn't run flat. Charlotte had fun sitting in the front seat.

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